Dive master story : The Stock room, everything is here
Sometimes there is
something whatever we haven’t known before in your backyard. But ours or stock
room about diving, there are many complicate things that you can’t think of.
We have learnt much about
equipment and gears in this stock room such as cleaning, reserving, refilling
and preparing for diving. We clean wet suits, BCD,
fins and regulator by soaking in cleanser water 10-15
minutes and rubbing them for getting rid of salty & chlorine.
Although my instructor
taught us, I can’t do anything in early. I can remember a little bit and
confusing procedures the same as I just begin to go school. We can do
everything eagerly when it past one week. And we get start to learn more many
new things. This is a part of things I have learnt from working here.
Cleaning BCD and regulator, we need focus more than
others. For BCD, you should rinse the inner of BCD because chlorine can bite everything
in it. It makes BCD get worse in working. And for
regulator, you must be very careful before clean it.
It is essential that
First stage should be closed completely because it’ll be broken or worsen when
water goes inside it. Then you can soak it in cleanser water and spray on First
More information about
other gears, click here >>>>
Some people may be bored
of cleaning all diving gears. But for me, It is a must work, must learn and
feel funny with it.
I am a student in Hotel
& Tourism major that
make me use to doing in backyard. Making people fun in travel is preparation of
backyard. Are you ready to be
Dive master?
I am always
ready!!! For reading this blog, you can prove yourself, Get ready to work
Writer by Peam
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